Controlling Sky+ from your PC and the Internet – review

submission by Paul Gale – following a post by one of the members of the UKHA_D mailing list, I recently purchased a home brew product that enables control of a sky or Sky+ box from a PC (Windows or Linux) and ultimately, the Internet. I’ve been searching for something to do this for years so thought I’d share my findings with my fellow HAers.

Joseph Heenan is the man who developed this box and the software. A bank transfer and a couple of days later I had one of his dual output boxes in my grubby mitts.

The box has a USB connector at the end of a short lead, two RF connectors (although the box is available with one as standard) and a red LED to show when it’s connected to the PC. This box enables the PC to send remote commands to the sky box through RF2, the RF connector on the back of sky and Sky+ boxes. The result is exactly the same as if you just pressed a button on the remote but without the associated problems and possible unreliability of IR transmission. It also makes home Automation control of one or two boxes a breeze. even much more excitingly is the possibility of finally being able to easily control a sky box from the Internet, something Tivo owners have long enjoyed. OK, so this is already possible by using an IR distribution system and controller such as HomeVision, but this is a much simpler and less expensive way of doing it offered you have a PC available.

The official software that Joseph supplies is as follows (taken from his web site):

Command line utility for linux and Windows to control sky/sky+ box

Script to integrate with mythtv on linux

Windows and Linux cgi scripts to enable control of sky+ through Internet (you’ll need a TV card as well)

Example prototype visual basic application for controlling sky box from Windows

At the time of writing, I’ve only evaluated the Windows command line utility and the Windows CGI scripts (installed on a Windows Apache server). The other items are available but I can’t vouch for what they’re like or how well they work.

Windows Command Line utility – After receiving the box, the first thing I did was to search a large stack of boxes for a suitable RF cable television – RF cable televisions are a rare sight in this high tech house! Plugging the USB connector into the PC resulted in the automatic install of a ‘USB human interface device’, no chauffeurs needed. The LED reassuringly glowing red.

Next came the first test – the command line interface. The command line interface is pretty easy and follows the syntax:

sky-usb-control.exe 0 12 1

This simply sends a ‘1’ to a Sky+ box on output 1 (shown by the ‘0’).

A full list of all remote codes are supplied for both the sky and Sky+ boxes, an example of some other codes are:

8: 12 8
9: 12 9
sky: 12 128
key_tvguide: 2 204
up: 12 88

I typed in the example shown above and hello presto, a ‘1’ appeared on the Sky+ TV output. بداية جيدة.

Internet control – As discussed above, there are also a set of CGI scripts to enable Internet control of a Sky/Sky+ box. The setup for this is a little much more complex but I still had it working in around 20 minutes. This requires several items to be installed on a Linux/Windows PC:

A TV or video capture card

Apache web server software

Activestate Perl software

The CGI scripts and associated support files (SkyWeb)

I had a couple of old Hauppauge ‘WinTV’ cards lying around so I installed one of these in one of my home Automation PC’s. I had two choices of PC, one being my main Windows 2003 Server and the other, my Geovision CCTV server. As the Windows server was full to bursting, I chose the Geovision machine. I was a little concerned at first that the specialist Geovision CCTV video capture card might interfere with the WinTV card but all went smoothly. I also installed the Windows WDM chauffeurs available from the Hauppauge web site.

Next came the Apache and Activestate Perl software installation. I’ve never installed the Windows versions before and was pleasantly amazed how easy the whole process was – just by following the default install options. The whole install took just a few minutes.

The last step was to copy the two SkyWeb directories across to the Apache install directory. There was just one variable to change in the main CGI script (text file) to set which output to use on the controller. In my case, however, this didn’t need changing.

All installation done, I excitedly (is that sad?) opened an IE window and typed in the relevant address. The following screen greeted me:

It wouldn’t take too much effort to change the still image get for a streaming feed using one of the numerous streaming video software packages around. maybe my next task?Clicking buttons on the picture of the Sky+ remote sent the relevant command to the Sky+ box and updated the still image in the video window a second later. جميل! The one second delay between pressing a button and the video screen updatingهناك حاجة للسماح للسماء + المربع لتحديث – بشكل خاص ضروري عندما يكون في شاشات دليل التلفزيون حيث يمكن أن يكون المخطط بطيئا بعض الشيء في التحديث في بعض الأحيان. التأخير قابل للتعديل في البرنامج النصي CGI ولكن بعد اختبار موجز تركته في ثانية واحدة بدا الأمر الأمثل. قيد الاستخدام، فإن التأخير ليس الكثير من المشكلة، وبالتأكيد قابلة للاستخدام.

كما يتضح من لقطة الشاشة الأخيرة، يمكن أن تنتهي صفحة الويب مع القليل من الاهتمام. بعد عمل بضع ساعات، طرقت الجلد التالي لربط في صفحات الويب الخاصة بي HA HAF. لقد صنعت الرسومات الجديدة المتاحة لجوزيف يجب أن ترغب في استخدامها.

تسديدة التالية تظهر وحدة تحكم قيد الاستخدام:

بالنسبة لي، هذا بالتأكيد واحد من هؤلاء “يجب أن يكون لديهم أجزاء من أجهزة HA، بصرف النظر عن التحكم في الإنترنت، سأكون الآن قادرا الآن على استخدام وحدة التحكم بدلا من عنصر تحكم Flaky IR الذي يتطلب التسلسلات عادة ما يتم إرسالها عدة مرات. واجهة XAP لها سيكون جيدا أيضا “أنا لم أقيم بعد إصدار Linux من الأداة المساعدة لسائل الأوامر أو تطبيق VB (الذي يأتي كصنونة مصدر بدلا من القابل للتنفيذ المترجمة). في وقت كتابة هذا التقرير، لم أر كلمة البرنامج النصي Linux Mythtv على الرغم من أنني لم أستخدم mythtv أيضا.

حسنا، ربما تسأل كم دفعت – حسنا في إصدار الإخراج المزدوج بما في ذلك الشحن، دفعت 47.50 جنيه إسترليني. إصدار إخراج واحد هو 5 جنيهات إسترلينية أقل تكلفة – صفقة أعتقد. يبني جوزيف حاليا بيد فقط عدد قليل من هذه الأجهزة في الأسبوع ويبيعها على موقع ئي باي رغم أنه عبر عن اهتمامه ببناء رقم أكبر إذا كان يعرف أنهم سيبيعون. جهاز رائع حقا! السائبة شراء أي شخص؟

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